DTF Recovery Kit
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Product Details
DTF Supplies Recovery Kit
Contains: 250ml of Solution, 2 swabs and 1 pair of protective gloves.
Water-Based DTF Head Recovery Solution
Solution Contents: Water 60%, Glycerol 35%, Methoxyethyl Ether 5%.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Wash hands with soapy warm water.
Please follow these instructions carefully,
never use the recovery solution without protective gloves.
DTF Supplies Recovery Kit
Print a nozzle test sheet and leave it attached for reference.
Clean your capping station and wiper blade using the DTF Alcohol Cleaning Wipes.
Next clean the printhead carriage plate around the printheads with new clean IPA wipes.
Pour solution onto a clean foam swab to soak it.
Use the wet swab to clean the surface of the CMYK printhead in a front to back motion.
Wet a new swab and clean the surface of the white printhead surface in a front to back motion.
Now discard the used swabs and DTF Alcohol Cleaning Wipes into a plastic bag.
Carefully fill both capping stations with the DTF Supplies Recovery Kit solution to the top, if a little spills over it does not matter.
Now use the X home command to return the carriage to its home position.
Wait 30 minutes.
Initiate a strong head clean on both heads two times, this can be both heads together or separately depending on which model of DTFMagic printer you have. Now print another nozzle test pattern and compare it to the previous one. If it looks considerably better but is less than 95% good repeat the process for 30 minutes again. If there is no change the print head made be lost or your capping station is not performing correctly.
Do not leave the soaking solution in the capping station for more than 30 minutes at a time, damage to your print heads and capping station can occur if you do.